#idk why i got stuck on the 4 panels for this week but
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jvnart · 8 months ago
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Kakagai Week!
Kks: gai? GAI: In here!
Kks: feeling nostalgic? Gai: ha, I suppose.
Gai: I was just wondering-
Kks: -he knows gai: .. thank you, kakashi
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saltynsassy31 · 12 hours ago
*drags myself through the floor and slams this down*
I present to you
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(Rant as to why I chose the White-throated Needletail as Blurr's bird and some minor AU lore under the cut)
And that's not all! It comes with a FULL FLEDGED COMIC!!!!!
I spent a whole fucking week on this
I haven't done a comic in 4 years now, I can't believe this is my come-back XD. Though, on that note, know that I probably won't be pumping out any more comics - not any time soon, at least. But I do got more stuff planned for this au! If you ask about it, I'll 100% rant about it LOL
Tw// ⚠️mild gore in the 3rd panel⚠️
While exploring the woods with his team, Swerve had an unfortunate encounter with a crazed hunter. In an attempt to escape, he got injured, but it seems he wasn't the only one caught in the crossfire...
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So when you look up what the fastest bird in the world is, Google with show the Peregrin Falcom
But there's a catch
The Peregrine is only fast when diving
When it dives to catch its prey, it can go up to 389km/h
Which yeah, pretty fast
But when casually flying, it only goes up to 120 iirc
The Needle Tail?
It can go up to 170km/h
Some have even recorded going over 300! (Close to the Falcon's dive, I believe)
Additionally, these birds only fly. Their habitat is literally listed as "the air," and some even believe they sleep while flying! They only ever land to brood and mate, and then they're off again. Their legs are so short that, if they ground, they can't fly again because it doesn't give enough room to flap their wings.
It fits Blurr perfectly!
It also has a blue-ish colour pattern I can work with lol (it's green, but it looks blue, lol)
Though, also, he isn't 100% like the Needle Tail, just based off of it. I still want avians to be sorta their own species and doesn't have to be exactly like their bird counterparts cuz they aren't them, they're their own thing.
That said, Blurr is one of the shortest from Avians population, still.
They're pretty big.
Another trivial detail of the design!
I was stuck between having his arms be his wings or have them be separate
Until I saw a drawing where they had both, and I realised, "Wait, why isn't that done more often! That's so cool!"
So that's sorta what I did
It's mainly to catch small prey when grounded and to stay better perched up on trees since they're much bigger and having extra fingers helps a lot. Or when they're climbing against a tree to pick up fruits, it gives them an extra boost and can better hang from it
But they're pretty much useless besides that lol
Just neat lil design choice
Other lore stuff. The time in which the au takes place is vaguely modern? But with fantasy aspects? I still haven't decided lol
Technology exists, but not in the way we have it sort of deal, idk, this au is pretty bare bones right now, so go wild with it XD I don't mind it, I love brainstorming it with people. I know this au isn't as big or complex as some others out there, but it's fun, and I hope yall like it too fjsjajaj
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theinsanecrayonbox · 1 month ago
huh, thought i'd read Wolverine; Revenge #2 already, but i have no review of it. so...lets play some catch up i guess
Wolverine: Revenge #2 and #3 double feature (yes #4 is out, but i want to do a side-by-side of the regular and redband, and i don't see redband #4)
and we're on tower, so enjoy the cut
Wolverine: Revenge #2
so we open mourning Capt and Bucky's deaths. Fury is a coward, Logan chews him out for it. everything is doom and gloom, so why not go on a murder spree right?
a murder spree that takes 3 months to start...in the Dakotas...mkay...i know it's not an important detail but why isn't Victor still in Russia with the rest of his gang surviving at the power plant, since that's supposedly the last safe place that life can survive long term? oh wait, that's the spoilers; he found Dani Moonstar and Forge...who have power...ok...
ok, so Logan was looking for some one that was supplying the two with power. ok that makes sense. 2 days later somewhere else though they're still looking for the source?? are they running extension cords over mountains or something? again i know, not an important detail, we are here for murder only. but it's interesting to see Forge doing what he ALWAYS does post-apocalypse, which is building a safe haven; will Forge ever get a different plotline? probably not
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ok i'll give you, that is a funny joke
ah he was looking for Magneto's helmet because...psychic dampening i guess. would've been easier to forge a new one you know...
Logan tracks down Mastermind first
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hello pot, have you met kettle
anyways, Logan asks where all his friends are since apparently he can only find Wyngarde here. Mastermind says Piotr called them all loosers and kicked them out of the club house. smart move. i bet Piotr would also have been smart enough to recognize Logan under that bedsheet; why did we think Mastermind was the head hauncho for this gang again? oh well, off-screen decapitation (in both versions); what a waste. however the redband does include a splash page of Wolvie holding up the severed head for the citizens of brainwashed city to admire. cool?
Logan asks Forge about his batteries, while Forge performs cyber-brain surgery to read Mastermind's memories. maybe telepaths can't read dead thoughts? you'd think someone would be able to though. anyways, they get Logan his trip advisor itinerary; Victor's in a desert close by, Wade's couch surfing who knows where, and Arkady's stuck close to where Piotr is. also Logan asked Forge to make him stuff while he was out planning his road trip...as he always does...geeze Forge is really getting the shaft here too
one week later, it's Vic's camping bbq we got in the preview pages. question: why is he still in his costume if he's all alone in the desert? wouldn't that get too hot? and i know it's not because "the costume is his true self" idea, because the writing is not that thoughtful when it comes to any character that isn't Logan. Victor with brown eyes though is very interesting. i will give though, their back and forth before the stabbing starts is good; it's not snarly frothing machoing like most of their dialog is as of late, it's a bit coy and very much "i know you know that i know' but still has the posturing...idk i just am ok with it
next 2 pages have major differences in panels, dialog, and blood splattering, and then the redband has an extra page where Victor rambles while running Logan's face over with the motorcycle. and then the next page has different dialog of course.
so Logan's bike had power-neutralizer in the lights, Vic's healing is turned off, Vic calls himself a wolf (wrong he is cat), and so Logan slashes Vic and....
that's it? we don't kill him in this book? o...kay...good thing we're doing a double feature
Wolverine: Revenge #3
so we open up...at border control. huh. well, i guess someone listened to my "no body on screen, then they ain't dead philosophy about characters since spoilers tell us that Vic is alive later in this. man, Logan is really bad at the revenge game.
so back to border control; oh it's not border control, it's a boat dock. gunrunners. ok, guess Logan can't go back the way he came over i guess (however that was).
Logan is headed for the power plant. and surprise Arkady! yay. despite the wrestling headgear, he does actually look good here. and his speech is also good. what starts to fall apart is the fact that they call his Death Spores a plague (wrong, *but* you can stretch is to be that for a metaphor/poetic reasons...) and the fact that Logan can cut through the Carbonadium coils like they're regular metal...or a turkey. yes, Carbonadium is weaker than Adamantium, but it shouldn't be able to tear through it like butter. you still have to work a diamond to cut a ruby after all. and Carbonadium is sort of radioactive to begin with, so one can't even argue that the radiation in the area is degrading it.
that being said...the visual of Logan strangling Arkady with his own coil is a good one...but the points for the good visual is lost when THAT is how he dies. it should REALLY take more to kill him than a little strangulation. and i guess you get at least half the point back, because again stringing him up by his coils like a wolf head on a stake is also a good visual commentary on Arkady's loss of personhood and only being defined by the weapon he was forced into becoming...that we fans attribute to the actions because you now the writers did not intend that at all.
ANYWAYS, i realize why i thought i'd read this already; i've seen nearly this whole issue in the tags lol so next stop on the revenge tour is Deadpool. they talk, Logan still pushes him into the vat of death after giving him false hope at redemption. one could argue that is also some good commentary about Wade's character, seeing as he's always reveling in doing badguy stuff, but lauds the anti-hero flag so hard that everyone forgives his depravities without a second thought just like they do Logan's...
wait, did i just crack something? each of them are facets of Logan. Sabes is his feral nature, and the fact that he lives is the fact that it's always there, always in the background, he can't beat it because he is it. Arkady is the fact that he was turned into a weapon against his will, and the constant noose that event has hanging over his entire life. Wade is how he's constantly seeking redemption, but always throws it away because he doesn't feel like he's worthy of it, yet will continue to beg and ask for it. and Piotr is his holy-than-though lofty ideals that he is right, even when doing bad things, except this time the bad things do not end up in the right. huh...
ah, ahem, anyways, redband has an extra splash page of Deadpool melting in the reactor. fun!
so Logan goes and digs a grave outside of Piotr's house. they fight. i can buy that Adamantium would cut through Piotr's metal skin, but his bleeding metal goo?? he's not Mercury guys, wasn't it that he just grew metal plating, or his skin because living steel? he's not Emma where his whole molecular structure changes, he should still have red blood. and it's not like it's silver goo in the regular book and red in the redband, it's silver in both versions. he rips off his arm though, so that is fun...until Logan just skewers Piotr through the head with his good arm. Piotr drops head, Logan reattaches his arm that heals back together quite quickly (thought that major amount of tissue damage would take longer than 3 seconds but ok). redband has an extra page with a large panel of non-metal Piotr now oozing red guts and then Logan picking him up; this isn't anything special, adds nothing but to the rating.
and...that's it. Logan says everything is over...except we have like 2 more issues, and we know Vic is still alive and the Omega Clan shows up. so...yeah...
well, overall...it's Wolverine: Revenge, it's not that good and it's not really that fun. it's still nice to look at, when it's not overly saturated in gore. #2 showed that the bonus content in the redband can actually add to the story, whereas #3 is on par with #1 wherein it only added extra gore really, which i KNOW is the point, but my point is it's interesting to see how adding in extra content shifts the formatting and does actually affect the story.
anyways, i eagerly await having access to both versions of the next ones, because i am VERY interested to know why and how the Omega Clan is here, and why Black is now a guy, and what else Victor has going on
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antiloreolympus · 4 years ago
4 Anti LO Asks
1. You know, if you apply to be a webtoons editor they put on the application you have to be ready to sometimes write episodes if the creator can't do it. it only makes me wonder, esp give how rachel constantly complains about how hard writing is and how bad her writing choices are, that the few times there are good character interactions or eps that it's just the editor's work being shown as rachel's own. tbh that's why i figure we even got minthe episodes, it was probably the editor's doing.
2. I honestly don’t understand Persephones and Hades relationship in LO at all.. she doesn’t mind being flirty with him when others are around, even flirting with him around Hera and Zeus and in the workplace (even in private at his office) and dancing with him in front of her friends, yet in some panels she acts so awkward around him. In the latest fast pass episode she just finger guns at him? And says bye? In some other episodes she just acts awkward and weird around him.. I honestly don’t understand... and the thing about their flirting is that it’s not the lustful and sexual one but a more intimate one? Idk if this makes sense but in my eyes they flirt more like a couple who is intimate and comfortable with each other rather than two people who just want to have sex with each other so they flirt to get each other horny.. and since they have a more intimate flirting theme going on why would they be so awkward around each other? The awkwardness could be justified by saying that they’ve only known each other for 2 weeks but then again that would mean that they wouldn’t flirt and be comfortable with each other like they are.
3. at the very least persephone not liking minthe makes sense, since she was just in a relationship with hades and they have reason to fight over him, but hera? didnt their affair end before persephone was even born? and hera is already married too? why would she care? you dont go through every partner's past romantic life and obsess over it when it holds no relevancy, that's not healthy. this is such unneeded drama when they should be getting together and forming a relationship by now, not this.
4. Just going off the trends of how women are treated in LO, I 100% expect it to be revealed Demeter was also r*ped, probably by Iasion to be a ~myth reference~, to explain why Demeter hates all men, doesn't like sex/had to create her daughter from clay/forced her to be a virgin, and why she's so overbearing to her daughter and as a two-for-one to "redeem" her so Persephone isn't stuck in an abusive home for half the year. Mark my words, it's going to happen, or i'll eat my shoe.
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ziotsu · 5 years ago
time to write out literally all my thoughts as someone who can’t read Japanese!
I actually saw the first few pages when people were posting them because apparently the first half of the chapter comes out the second week? I didn’t post my thoughts cause I wanted to do them all at the same time
Page 1! Well this is fun, I absolutely love the expressions in this manga (I feel like me going on about the art in this manga is going to be a theme lol). But the subtle differences between how Ashiya looks and how he looks when Sakae is controlling him are amazing. And it isn’t just the eye color, but just everything with how Sakae acts and carries himself (face included) really is awesome. And it doesn’t feel like just slapping a new face on Ashiya’s body, I genuinely can see Ashiya making this expression when Sakae isn’t possessing him (if he wasn’t such a cinnamon roll). Also the shock on Abeno’s face is not something we see too often. He has his normal shocked face but this feels more raw than in the past? Like his eyes seem wider and the way his hair is makes it seem like he basically just did a double take. MMMMMMMMMM this is good shit. But story wise, I assume this page is just restating the fact that you really don’t wanna use influence on a parasitic shrub possessed demon.
Page 2 and 3! Abeno know’s what’s up, or at least it seems so. It would be more surprising if he didn’t tbh. Also I wonder if Sakae kind of knew this was going to happen? Considering he was trying to keep them away, I assume he did. At the very least he does not seem shocked at all to see Aoi like that at all. Speaking of Aoi, they are def trapped where they are at. That whole is well large enough for them to get through and attack them again, but they are still on the ground it seems. I am guessing it has to do with the tree we saw coming from their tail last chapter. They are still 110% mad though.
3-4! It looks like it isn’t just the trees that are keeping Aoi down, I thought the roots attaching the main body to the ground had been ripped up but it looks like there are some remaining. Sakae is as gentle as ever, yes just toss away his injured arm, great idea. Now Abeno is in even more pain. The wound though is really deep, looks like two large gashes, which Sakae actually starts to dress (rest in peace, kimono sleeve) (also while abeno is trying to get his arm out of the inner kimono (idk what is is called), we can see the medicine Abeno always carries around! I love the attention to detail in this manga)
5-6! Yup, page 5 doesn't do it justice, but page six really shows the extent of the damage one of the gashes did. Super nasty scar going to go there. We see some more of Aoi though, and do they chirp? Like what cats do? Cause murder cat looks super cute on page 5 and I don’t know how to feel about this.
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They look like baby here and I want to protect them. Abeno seems to be bringing up the medicine, though I really don’t know what this would do to Aoi other than basically kill them. Which honestly, may be for the best? I know it’s a bit messed up, but it has been stated before that they are obviously past the point of getting them help, and leaving them there would be super dangerous.
7-8! I am making another assumption that Sakae doesn’t know what the medicine does. Which I have a current theory that the medicine is a new development for the underworld. (if such a medicine existed before Aoi left, why wouldn’t they use it on them?) Which would also mean that Sakae wouldn’t know about it either. My guess from the last pages seem to be correct as there is a panel showing Aoi burning, which seems pretty deathy to me. I honestly don’t know what they are going to do, though I think for now, they should be getting back, reporting the situation and getting help for themselves. Aoi seems really stuck here so I don’t think they are a direct threat to the underworld immediately. (Unless Aoi manages to escape the island and oh boy that would not be good) Abeno seems pretty determined, though, so regardless Aoi is most likely going to meet their actual end.
9-10! Aoi is starting to go to sleep here, Sakae seems really good at first aid (wonder where/why he learned that ;) Maybe a certain lady who often gets sick?) Not a whole lot happens, I think these are mostly showing the passage of time, and it seems Abeno is putting away the medicine for now. Which good move, my boy. Come back to take care of murder cat later. Also I wonder if all those trees are from Aoi’s parasitic shrub. That would be terrifying if that is the case. It could really show how long they have been there, trapped and going mad because of the shrub.
11-12! Good lord all of them are looking super cute this chapter. Sakae you can’t do this to me, just all your movements and facial expressions are justlasdkhjg;lakshjdg. Ashiya is cute in his own right, but this is a different type of cute. Why are all these characters like this and please don’t stop making all these characters like this. We get a good look at Aoi’s spine and it makes me sad (though also could give more insight to how the shrub basically takes over? Using the spinal cord to get to the brain seems like a good path to take if the shrub’s goal is to spread like any other parasite (which also makes sense with the going mad thing, kind of like rabies almost) I am glad Abeno’s arm is being supported and held still with what they had on hand. Still looks super painful though.
13-14! And they are out! At least out of the pit where they can really easily run if they need to. Sakae is starting to get tired, so I wonder how much longer he can go on? I hope he can stay awake long enough to get back to the mononokean because I highly doubt Abeno can carry an unconscious Ashiya back. He would most likely have to wait for Ashiya to wake back up before moving on and who knows how long that will take. Part of page 13 made me go back to see the last few pages, but it looks like Aoi’s front right paw is stuck in the ground :( good cause they are most likely really stuck there and probably wont be able to escape easy but it makes me sad to see the previous master of the mononokean in such a state.
15-16! Oof the tiredness is really showing in the first panel. Get out of there quick so you both can rest! I am guessing Abeno is asking about why Sakae said those things in the flower field.Like how Aoi is dead and such, and honestly did Sakae lie? Aoi, as they were in the past, is dead. They are completely over taken and do not recognize even the child they basically raised.
17-18! Oh boy Sakae is getting more and more tired, Abeno is asking about the golden butterfly and can you two just get going? Ya’ll have limited time here!!!!! Though I wonder if Sakae used his influence on one of the butterflies to communicate to Ashiya? it seems very similar? Or a butterfly made from pure influence? Which would explain how it disappeared when Ashiya grabbed it?
I am going to stop the page format because uh.... WHAT. First off Abeno was def asking about the influence/parasitic shrub thing that Sakae brought up. And WE ACTUALLY LEARN ABOUT IT NEXT CHAPTER. This is huge cause oml this feels like a rare moment. Normally mysteries like this linger for a few chapters, simmer and make us suffer. BUT WE GOT A NEW BRAND OF SUFFERING TODAY FOLKS! Like I theorized it a bit on why I didn’t think Aoi was the one Sakae used his influence on, due to thinking that Aoi being infected years before picking up Abeno seemed super dangerous and didn’t feel like something they would do. I DIDN’T KNOW YOU CAN USE INFLUENCE TO CURE THE PARASITIC SHRUB THOUGH! PAGE 22 IS SUFFERING! PAGE 22 HAS ALL THE ANSWERS! Like we now know what happened, or at least have enough facts to be able to piece it together! Aoi and Sakae went out for a job, either they find out that the demon is infected or know and are going to try to help them out. Aoi somehow gets infected by this demon and Sakae uses his influence to get rid of the growing infection only to die himself as the parasitic shrub is not meant to live in the human body. This explains why Aoi was so beat up over his death, because IT WAS THEIR FAULT. It explains why Sakae would use his influence on a demon that is infected, because it is Aoi, their employer and friend. He probably wasn’t meaning to die at all, just thinking that ‘hey let’s just get rid of this shrub from Aoi so they don’t die because they are an important part of the Underworld (though AU where Sakae can’t do this and has to become the next master of the mononokean ;) )
We also see the aftermath, it is almost like he becomes some form of demon himself, and actually looks infected with the shrub. I doubt it is the same sort of situation because he doesn’t become a tree? I am honestly unsure on how this affected him. He does go and meet his son a few months later, (wait or was that Aoi because between the two pages we see a sort of continuation with the hand on the left (aoi’s hand) but we also see the ‘veins’ of the shrub which hints towards Sakae? I like to think that Sakae visited baby Ashiya, so I am going to go with the assumption it is Sakae visiting till I am proven otherwise) and smol Ashiya is always cute. Ashiya does seem to ‘notice’ something? or he is just a baby and babies cry A LOT. We see Sakae ‘infect’ the butterfly he uses to communicate with Ashiya in the flower field. Wonder if he tried doing the same in the past with Abeno, only Abeno cannot hear his words.
ALSO GUYS I TOLD YOU TO GET OUT OF THERE NOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? Ashiya is now completely passed out, Abeno cannot carry him back and now they gotta just chill there till Ashiya wakes back up. I know it is awesome to have questions answered, but please. 
Though I guess somehow they managed cause Ashiya wakes up in what I can only assume is the Legeslator’s place? It is def not the mononokean (too large and im sure we would be hearing a bell the moment Ashiya woke up) but it could be Korou’s place. Not sure how Abeno managed, but he probably found a way to get them out of there. Rip golden eyes, though :( Guess they were just either the side effect to using that much influence or a hint that Sakae was just kind of hanging around in case shit hits the fan. 
There is incense burning, making a guess this is either a preventative measure against the shrub or something to help wake Ashiya up faster. Ashiya is alone and it seems he is shaken because of what Sakae explained (I am guessing it was similar to his dreams when he subconsciously used his influence and he was dreaming about Sakae’s past)
This chapter was amazing, answered so many things and saw enough cute to really counter balance the ‘what the actual fuck’ this chapter brought along with it.
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thedogsled · 7 years ago
I'm interested in hearing about the Merlin queerbaiting thing because I seem to remember someone saying that this homoerotic subtext was upped after the producers or writers or whoever had been asked whether the queer subtext was intentional or something like that.
tbh the likelihood is you probably heard this from me, but who knows. I think it’s clear to a lot of people in Merlin fandom either way, although maybe not everyone feels that way. I’m going to go riiiight back to the beginning, though, to the very first episode where I was coming off my last fandom (Harry Potter) and had nowhere else to go, and there was this awesome show on TV…
First of all I’m going to drop this here:
So this was my experience, back in 2008, when I got to go to MCM London. The show had been on maybe a few weeks at the time, and not much had been developed back then, but there was no doubt that they were writing the pair of them very well as a strong male/male friendship. Now the subtext was glorious, because as you can hear right here it wasn’t the intention of the writers to put any of it in there, and it came off so naturally as a strong set of bonds forming between two guys. Nobody was aware of it, and then bam there’s all this fanfiction being written. This was the first ever question these guys had been asked on a panel ever. We’re not talking like the pussyfooting into asking those kinds of questions like you see with SPN panels, these guys were fresh and green and had no idea what they were getting into, and the unequivocal downplay from the writer ‘No, this is a story about friendship’, well it should have stopped there. But as you hear the writer go on to say, as they laugh about the idea of people shipping Merthur at all, these sorts of heroes journeys do have a homoerotic subtext. He acknowledges that, but he’s also forthright in saying ‘no, that’s not what this is, end of story’.
So for me, that should have been what it is, i.e. it’s not queerbaiting because there’s absolutely no intention of going there, and they’ve made it clear. Unfortunately that’s not what happened, and the consequence is that it wasn’t made clear to the audience. Sure, that crowd at comic con of a few hundred people, but not the audience (also I’m disappointed there wasn’t more to that clip, because the writers (there was at least one other person, a woman there, backed and forthed briefly on the topic, “is that a thing?” or something like that, but it was ten years ago so I’m afraid I can’t remember exactly. By this time next year people were cosplaying Merlin, it had played in the USA and everything was really taking off, but that first season was in the can at this point, and consequently precious and innocent. The friendship between Arthur and Merlin was as untarnished as you could get, because the writers had no idea what they were doing, and the actors had no idea of what was coming across in those intimate moments, so that was perfect too. Seriously, that first season of Merlin is superb.
But now everyone is self conscious. They know they have this audience and they’ve been exposed to how loud it is, how superbly influential. The feeling of watching Merlin season 2 was therefore entirely different to watching season 1. Bradley and Colin carry themselves differently. The wording choices in the scenes become deliberately nudge nudge wink wink. The scenes themselves are more homoerotic because of this conglomeration of ideas and acting choices. Merlin talks about how he ‘feels’ about Arthur and there’s shitloads more shirtless scenes and long silences and held glances between Merlin and Arthur than Arthur and anyone else. 
I’m saying this as someone who didn’t fall for the queerbaiting, because I knew from that unequivocal “this is a profound friendship” declaration that they were never, ever going there, that Arthur was destined to get with Guinevere (that was the societal wall i.e. class, that he had to jump over) and they weren’t ever going to do anything but straight and hetereosexual on Saturday night on BBC1 (an opinion I changed for Sherlock but very quickly changed back when I saw the same tone and delivery grabbing for and successfully pulling in the audience who so desperately wanted to see what they were being teased at. Merlin and Sherlock really coincided at the sweet spot of queerbaiting (which incidentally is when Cas joins SPN, and coincides with the most queerbaiting seasons of SPN as well.) But I was at ground zero for Merlin, before shipping Merthur was cool, and you can betcha that the writer declaring that there were only straights here put a dead end to that before it could begin. Just imagine a writer saying something like that now. We track all the panels, we record everything. We’d tear them to pieces in a second flat.
The mood in S2 just changes. Here’s a bunch of clips from S2. I’ve stuck it on a late timestamp, but that’s only because that particular scene is a standout example: gay 4 comedy. By the middle of S3 filming, everyone is well briefed on the interest in the ship. The baiting gets really hard and comedic by season 4. I’ve jumped to some of the worst offending moments in this series of clips here. And remember Sherlock’s first season aired just before this, thus my accusations of a queerbaiting heyday. It was all getting into stride about this time, carte blanche to suck in queer viewers with no intention of following through and use ‘they might be gay’ both as an endless mockery, as in these Merlin clips, and as a way to add seriousness to some scenes. My memory of feeling mocked and ridiculed by Merlin is just so strong, and reviewing some of the episodes really nails that down for me. Having known where the writers come from, knowing the sentiment behind their approach to their queer audience…it drives me up the wall even right now.
So season 5 they pull it all together, and - spoilers - Arthur dies in Merlin’s arms, and there’s an unspoken I love you, and Merlin waits for centuries for the return of the Once and Future King. And this, coming back to the strongest part of the story in order to deliver the final emotional punch, the part that carried it through (the relationship which could be misconstrued between the main characters) and offering a flimsy not quite there delivery of yet more subtext (because you have to be in on the queer reading to see it), was a final spit in the eye. It’s why you’ll see a bunch of people in fandoms who are disgusted by the idea of a kiss in the last scene, they die together, or a subtextual drive off into the sunset ending, because it’s such a familiar and heart wrenching and aggravating cop out. It’s not even Thelma and Louise, you know? Because over years and years, you’ve been driven by this show, by what you’re seeing on screen, and your reward is a lacklustre nod in the last few seconds; what you’re there for you never get, and yet at the end of the day you’re supposed to be delighted they gave you even 50% certainty that your ship would end up together. Fuck you.
Merlin could easily have been read as not queerbaiting. That’s the thing. Some people will outright tell you that Sherlock is easily read as not queerbaiting too. Those people will also say ‘why is it that two guys can’t have a relationship without people thinking it’s romantic.’ Well, they can. They can. But I point you to the word ‘bromance’. These shows deliberately either take romantic storylines and apply them to those characters, or play up the gay for laughs. Especially at this sort of 2008-1016 sweet spot, pre The 100 drama, they absolutely did. They didn’t see the harm, and what they got back in return from fandom involvement and viewership and repeat viewing was absolute justification for those choices. Merlin benefits from it’s queer audience, but it also benefits from a storytelling perspective as having been intended as a heterosexual friends only story in the first place, and the first season (and season 3 largely, idk why) play out like that. That’s what lets it off the hook when people are looking for queerbaiting in the show, because it’s absolutely not from the get go. Like with Destiel it establishes naturally, both as a result of the story and because of the vibe the two main actors have with each other. 
Compare to Sherlock, which went for it right out of the gate “Is this a date?” and never backed down, applying the queerbaiting consistently until they were done as though I think to legitimatize the writing choice. “See, it wasn’t queer, that’s just how we wrote it, you’ve all got dirty minds.” That same show will be defended with ‘why can’t guys just be friends’, and implications that any suggestion of physical intimacy doesn’t make it gay and is harmful to guys in general. There may be some truth in that, but there is also truth in the use and manipulation of queer audiences, and there are plenty of touchy feely male/male relationships which aren’t queerbaiting; look at most buddy cop shows (I exclude due South from this), JD and Turk, McGee and DeNozzo, Esposito and Ryan. Well written brotherhood and friendship is out there which does not rely on one character waiting for another to come back from the dead for centuries, or casually delivering that Cas ∴ Cas
I’ve been going on for a while, but I’m going to just make one last swing for it before I conclude. Take in mind that original quote, then. Look at this article. The quotes here are notorious in Merlin fandom, of course, but even from an outsider they leave a bad taste in my mouth. 
“Murphy points to the moment where Arthur finally dies as what the entire series has been building towards. At the “just hold me,” Murphy justifies to a shocked McGrath that, “well, he’s dying, the man he loves is dying, so he’s holding him.””
Maybe it wasn’t queerbaiting to start with, but Merlin knew what it was doing. S1: “Merlin is about a friendship between Merlin and Arthur, and they do care about each other hugely, but um it’s not necessarily, you know, it isn’t a gay love story, no.” vs. S5: “I think you maybe just confirmed what a lot of people thought, and I’m glad that Julian could do it, because he’s probably the only one who could have gotten away with that commentary.”
I don’t know where Merlin fandom stands on this. I know there’s an undercurrent - because I’ve read it - that some people like the ending as it is because they don’t think that all love has to be shown in smooches. But that would be fine if it wasn’t raising a strawman to argue against (I see it a lot in these conversations). Nobody is even talking about kissing. A relationship of any shade which is confirmed and genuine is fine. But queerbaiting specifically is this kind of stringing people along by dancing around the suggestion of something, and then coming back to state that it was there all along, or worse still just go “Maybe~ If that’s the way you see it~”. Nobody is saying they have to bang it out in a clearing in order for it to be legitimized, but that’s a whole other level from ridiculing people who see it that way, playing it as a joke, or stringing those people along right to the very last gasp.
For sure, if you don’t think it was queerbaiting then that’s great, and I’m actually glad for you! I’m sure people disagree with me on a handful of things I’ve said here, but Merlin was a huge disappointment for me as a creative. I wanted to play in that universe, but the seed was planted that every hint of homoerotic subtext was targeting me, or making a mockery of me, and it poisoned that well from the get go. That I’m still harboring those feelings a decade later probably shapes the way I interact with canons now, but it also is an indication of how strongly I feel about Destiel that I can get over it; once burned twice shy usually applies; it harmed my viewing experience of Merlin, Sherlock, and Hannibal, and I won’t deny it affects me when I watch SPN (and some other shows) too. It’s part of why I think this show has such an opportunity to do something different. But there’s still that tugging part of me that insists that because this is a show nurtured in that sweet spot, I have no reason to believe it should do anything outside the norm. Perhaps the situation with The 100 doesn’t affect it, or maybe it will have learned from it? Some things, like the queer hires to the writers room, fill me with hope. But who knows? That’s unfortunately the state of the uneasy relationship I have with it, particularly as a queer person who wants to see those stories on TV. To tell the truth, this uncertainty and unease is the damage that queerbaiting causes in the long term, and we deserve better stories.
This got super duper long, so thanks for sticking with it.
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